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NSFW Official ding check in (1 Viewer)


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
Hard to believe nobody on this board has had sex for a month, but I rang the bell tonight.

Kylie Jenner Help GIF by E!


Running Back
Elite Member
Guys, I might be eligible for a nobel prize or something with the long con ding strategy here with my wife.

Since we've been married (9 years), every friday morning I make my wife her favorite froofy coffee drink for when she wakes up. Iced Americano with 4 stevia packets and half and half.

Well for about the last year and a half, if I ding the night before or that morning - I also make her coffee for her as a social experiment, I wanted to see if she would notice the correlation. She's made no mention of the correlation, but I'm now batting 100% on Thursday nights for about 2 months. Ive also noticed if she swings by starbucks on her way home or gets it at target or whatever women do, my batting average skyrockets that night.


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member
Guys, I might be eligible for a nobel prize or something with the long con ding strategy here with my wife.

Since we've been married (9 years), every friday morning I make my wife her favorite froofy coffee drink for when she wakes up. Iced Americano with 4 stevia packets and half and half.

Well for about the last year and a half, if I ding the night before or that morning - I also make her coffee for her as a social experiment, I wanted to see if she would notice the correlation. She's made no mention of the correlation, but I'm now batting 100% on Thursday nights for about 2 months. Ive also noticed if she swings by starbucks on her way home or gets it at target or whatever women do, my batting average skyrockets that night.
Pavlov would be proud.

When I was in college, I took a sociology course with my girlfriend where Pavlov's experiments were taught and discussed. During class, I looked right at her - because I'm depraved - and said, "I'm bringing a bell to the bedroom, and every time you bingo I'm going to ring that bell. THEN, after you've learned to associate the bell with the bingo, I'm going to start carrying it into social situations. Parties, Thanksgiving dinner at your Mom's house, etc. OR ... you can give me a blowjob in the car before we go to the next class".

Never bought the bell. Good girl.


Stats Guy
Pavlov would be proud.

When I was in college, I took a sociology course with my girlfriend where Pavlov's experiments were taught and discussed. During class, I looked right at her - because I'm depraved - and said, "I'm bringing a bell to the bedroom, and every time you bingo I'm going to ring that bell. THEN, after you've learned to associate the bell with the bingo, I'm going to start carrying it into social situations. Parties, Thanksgiving dinner at your Mom's house, etc. OR ... you can give me a blowjob in the car before we go to the next class".

Never bought the bell. Good girl.

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