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Breaking Turd Alberts to Texas A&M (31 Viewers)


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Yeah I tend to think that both can be true. I’m also wondering if the issue isn’t liberal vs conservative but instead that they can’t seem to make a decision about anything.

Turd made some comment about it being like our current political situation, (sorry for the paraphrasing). I took that to mean there’s no compromise or bipartisanship, and therefore nothing gets done. Another poster alluded to something similar in the presidential votes being tied 4-4.

I could be totally off base here. Just my opinion. But yes he’s still a chickenshit.
pretty much spot on from my viewing of it. Yes its my perspective but I watch the state legislation almost daily, watch all regent meetings etc. (yes i am weird) but your take is almost spot on.


Elite Member
Several people familiar with the university’s current presidential search have said Pillen has been very specific about what he wants in the next NU president. Three declined to speak on the record for fear of retribution but said they were told he wants someone with Nebraska ties, someone willing to stay in the job for 10 years and someone who won’t advocate for the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts that Pillen campaigned against in 2022.

Pillen initially denied having made any requests of the regents. He also denied trying to influence their presidential choice. After the Examiner followed up and shared what it had been told, the governor acknowledged having made his wish list clear.

“Yeah, maybe I can clarify that … I’ve been very, very public,” he said. “We need a great Nebraskan to be the leader of our university system. We don’t need a shiny star. We need somebody that understands Nebraska, understands the people of Nebraska and understands that the taxpayers are our boss.”

He also confirmed the push for someone who would stay 10 years, saying, “To really make things happen, having a 10-year expectation is reality.”

“If you try to hire somebody for two years, you’re spinning your wheels,” Pillen said.

Of the third push, he said he also told people that he wanted someone who “understands what our Nebraska values are and what Nebraskans expect.”

Whatever Tr*v's personal politics are, or how the chain of command for these kinds of hires is supposed to work, it seems pretty clear that Pillen's extremely stringent "wish list" is a big obstacle in this process and he's trying to put all the blame on his former buddies in the BOR. A Nebraskan who is qualified to be the president of a gigantic public academic institution, is willing to make a 10 year commitment, is against diversity initiatives, and presumably wants to keep slashing the education budget... I'm not an expert in the upper echelon academic world at all, but is Pillen trying to force them to find a unicorn?
I get he's got a wish list but everything I've read out of the BoR is "we're making the decision and will take the time needed to find the right fit"

What leverage does Pillen even have in this situation?


Elite Member

This bill that was introduced at the request of the governor at the beginning of the year would essentially prohibit what Turd wanted to do with in house NIL.

(5) No third-party entity or individual shall be prohibited from:
1 (a) Communicating with a student-athlete to create, identify,
2 facilitate, enable, or support name, image, or likeness activities;
3 (b) Compensating a student-athlete for the use of such student4 athlete's name, image, or likeness rights or athletic reputation; or
5 (c) Compensating student-athletes for promoting:
6 (i) An athletics event in which the student-athlete may participate,
7 if the third-party entity or individual has an agreement to promote the
athletics event; or8
9 (ii) The postsecondary institution which the student-athlete

A postsecondary institution shall not compensate a student athlete for the use of the student-athlete's name, image, or likeness
rights or athletic reputation
That's a great find. Certainly makes more sense than straight up Lib/Con politics.

I think Turd was ahead of the curve when it comes to NIL and the new direction of college athletics. It's crazy that a bill which basically eliminates the rules in NIL may be what tipped the scales for Turd.

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
Beware the Ides of March

View attachment 34943
I am stealing this
Stealing Mike D GIF by Beastie Boys


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
A little perspective about the politics here - people are lumping together all the Republicans, but there are 2 distinct factions.

Pillen is not a Trump guy. Herbster was the Trump guy, Pillen was the establishment R guy in the primary. He's generally the same type as Ricketts - nominally conservative, not an ideologue, generally safer, stays in line with the normies in the state, mostly in control of the state party. Pillen was the more liberal, and his being against so-called "DEI" is not him launching a crusade, it's taking the majority opinion in Nebraska (and much of the country, outside of academia).

The Trump wing is not in love with Pillen. They see him as mostly part of the establishment, and would have issues with a lot of his picks as being personal loyalists & swamp creatures, not reliable & true believers.

The libs on the BoR are probably opposing anything from Pillen regardless because it's all more conservative than they are, but it's distinctly possible that the deadlock is because there are also Trump-wing regents wanting to stop what they'd view as a buddy pick/machine politics appointment.

There's more nuance even within that, but the media narrative about the fault lines is mostly garbage.

Scarlet ObsessioN

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
View attachment 34953

Can somebody put Will Compton on one and Trevor on the other?
Turd is obviously Putin.

Will won’t be able to deter Turd from his propaganda.

I think Turd’s actions the last few days, culminating in a request for the spotlight of a podcast, show he’s an ego driven ladder climber. Fuck that guy. Compton is just a frat boy, barstool simp that will do anything for attention.

Fuck both of them.
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Defensive Lineman
Dallas, TX - From Scottsbluff

One interesting thing is that TAMU's president got fired last year for hiring a former NYT writer to revive their journalism program. There's more to the story than that, but pretty crazy for a President of a major system to have to resign over one professor hiring.

I think this could be a miscalculation on Turd's part: that Texas has a lot of money and demographics in it's favor and many positives that Nebraska doesn't have. But it also can be very volatile and one slip-up can cost you your job. I don't think that was the case for Turd at Nebraska. I think he had more margin of error here.


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Im sure this has been said but I’m not gonna read all 34 pages..

If Turd left because of conservative regents (I don’t believe for one second he left for this reason) then boy is he gonna be surprised when he gets to College Station.

Albert’s didn’t want to stay at Nebraska. He’s one of those people that can’t stay at one job for too long. He fucked over his alma mater months after signing an extension. That’s who Turd is.

Nebraska, like many other schools, needs to make sure they stay relevant so they can ride the gravy train that is the eventual merger and super league of the Big10/SEC.

It is harder to do that when your own alum leave you for a job of a school that is in the same boat as you. Turd is a piece of shit for that. Plain and simple.


Big Ten referee
Pillen was the more liberal, and his being against so-called "DEI" is not him launching a crusade, it's taking the majority opinion in Nebraska (and much of the country, outside of academia).
True. He basically told the other regents as much during his campaign.

You're really going to struggle to find a career academic willing to speak out against DEI, because they would just be nuking all future job prospects (and their reputation) in academia. Plus the faculty are going to hate such a person.

Really the governor and right leaning BORs are just advocating for a university where people are hired and ideas are challenged on their merits. The fact that this stance is considered overly political is a reflection of the state of academia.

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