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So it begins... (2 Viewers)

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
So I took the time to actually watch his presser. I could only make it through the first couple minutes of the introductory one cause of how bad and awkward it was, this one was better. He seemed to loosen up a little as the questions by. He either simply doesn’t like the media at all, and is just choosing to give the public nothing, or just really isn’t good at public speaking. I won’t judge his coaching ability until we see some practice footage/spring game. For all we know, could be one of those guys who is just stupid calm off the field, but turns into a monster when it’s time to flip the switch. I don’t know. Hope it works out. Certainly some awkward camera time to start. He basically answered every question the same in slightly different words


Running Back
Elite Member
I really don’t think you can take anything away from a coach based on how they interact with the media. Hell, I’d be able to say shit in interviews that’d make RSS think I was the best OLine coach ever, but I’d have no clue what I was doing.

I don’t know shit about Raiola, but I’ll hold off any judgement until I see if our OLine looks like they know wtf they’re doing.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
How do you seem to have friends in the upper levels of every profession? Haha
As many know I was in the Music Industry for many years. A majority of the Security Staff are large people, and in most cases they were former football players. I had former NFL & College players that did security work for me plus worked with enough festivals and big tours that I got to know even more of them. Many of them became close friends of mine. Even had a former Husker, Shawn Dostal, who worked for me. Also my brother worked for the KU Athletic Department so I got to know a bunch of the football and basketball players plus coaches along with all the money people in Lawrence.

When you live and work in Vail, CO and The Gold Coast in Chicago you meet people. 2 of the riches areas in the country. Once you get in those circles then doors open for you as long as you are cool with it. And it's not like those connections go away either. I had back stage access to basically any concert I wanted to go to. Bring along a couple rich fuckers and they are impressed. Also use to party with one of the owners of the Colorado Rockies, which also opened more doors. Rich fuckers wanted to know me because of what I could do for them.

It's not what you know, it's who you know. I took lots of risks in life and wasn't afraid of a challenge so between opening businesses and getting to know the right people I was introduced to a world that was well beyond my means. All Gas, No Brakes!!!!


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
You could b/c his coaching and press conferences have been pretty terrible up to this point.
My concern with Frost during his pressers is he says the wrong things. He's just not good with his wording in statements. At times the way he words things can really look like he is throwing players or coaches under the bus. Some people have the gift of leadership and wording, just doesn't seem to come naturally for Frost. He'd be better off not being in front of the camera. Coaches like TO, Barry Switzer, Tommy Lasorda, Pete Carrol,........ come across as natural leaders in front of the camera as they rarely put their foot in their mouth. Frost gotta have a case of Athlete's Tongue from all of the times he has put his foot in his mouth. I hope that Turd works with him on that or gets him a professional speaking coach. He needs to learn Management 101 and Public Speaking 101. Would make him much more likeable in the publics eye and with the players.

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