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A billion dollars is going to be deposited into your account on Friday at 5:00 p.m. What will you do with the money? (5 Viewers)


100 & havin fun GBR !!
westernt NE 80 acres
1) Buy land and build a my dream house. I'm a bit of a prepper, so it will be a fairly modest home, but stocked to the nines with all my prepping desires.
2) Pay off all of my immediate families' mortgages
3) Set up a trust for each of my kids
4) Give A LOT to my pastor
5) Build my church a new building
6) I have a few non-profits I support that I'd like to help too
7) Give a sizeable amount to my employer - they have been very good to me and my family
Terry, this is good fodder. Would also invest in @ChocaEgg flyin his fighter jet around ukraine


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
A billion is a LOT of money. 100 mil or even 10 mil would do a lot.

But let's go with a Billion.

I'd give enough to all family members, and close friends, that not only all of their debts/loans/etc were paid off, but that they would have plenty to spare, like each family member/close friend would get a million extra after their debts were paid off. I might have a disclaimer that half of the mil would need to be invested in a good, solid, investment portfolio. I would even be willing to hire a professional to set up such a portfolio for each person, and maybe even just set it up for them so they can't blow that investement money, and put it in a trust or similar so they can't really touch the actual investment $. So they'd all have a great investment portfolio plus a half mil to do whatever they wanted with it.

For myself, obviously house, etc, debt would be paid off (duh). Then I would want to hire the right person to set up a long term investment portfolio for myself. That could be a ten million dollar portfolio, or even 100 million. But it would be there so that no matter what, I would be set up for life making a large sum on the investement yearly.

Still being selfish, I would definitely move from the state I am in (Montana). I am in the process of making that change in 2024 anyway, but having countless millions to spend on multiple houses in great locations would be nice. Somewhere tropical, plus somewhere that is still in the "mountains" but not cold-assed Montana mountains. Like the Flagstaff AZ example posted by another poster ITT - a place like that in a warmer mountain area like AZ offers.

But I would still like to have at least one, if not more, tropical homesteads. Like large palm trees hanging out over white sand private beach in the Carribean for example. Or maybe even an island in such a location.

I would have a quite large Yacht. My parents have always dreamed about having a house boat down in southern FL or similar. I could make that dream come true. So probably over a mil for a yacht. I may even buy a nice plane. Always dreamed of having my own plane, although at this point I think that urge has left me for the most part.

Travel, nice vehicles, etc, would be a given for how I would spend some $. Being able to go to whatever sports or similar event I wanted, would be awesome.

But after all of that, I would like to find worthy, honest charities to give to. No idea what charities, but I definitely would not want to hoard such a lare sum of money and not give at least half of it away.


Elite Member
I’d buy my company out. Troll the people I dislike for a while. Then I’d go enjoy life. Travel, eat good food, hire a personal chef and trainer to keep me in top shape. Bang some insta models and pornstars. I’d watch a lot of live sports.


Wide Receiver
To be honest I’d probably pay off the house, cars, etc. Then buy a super nice car that I could otherwise never afford (Ford GT). Then take a vacation. Then come back and figure out what to do.
Please tell me you’re getting the newer GT, and the carbon series. Otherwise, you may as well just wrap it around a tree, park yourself in a nice wheelchair, and enjoy eating through a straw.


Wide Receiver
$1b.. I’m investing $750m however I want with zero fucks given, so I am being borderline stupid aggressive. The other $250m is buying a fuck ton of land with a home and machinery to work that land to make it amazing for hunting/fishing. Somewhere in Wyoming or Idaho.


Prolific Beaver Murderer
Elite Member
Farmer perspective:

I’d go to the landlords of the biggest douchebag mega farmers that never seem to have enough. I’d buy the land they rent, and I’d turn around and help young guys that want to farm get started. I’d rent them the land very reasonably, and finance equipment for them at super low interest.

Dell Husker

I’ve already told my wife that if I ever win the lottery my first call (maybe even before I tell her) is to Fred. I’ll tell him I have two questions -
How much money do you need?
How many championships are we winning?

From there I’d probably do what others are saying. I’d pay off everything. Splurge on a new home and vehicles. Set up some interviews with financial advisors on what they could do for me.

I’d text my close friends and family before word got out and ask them for a few hundred saying I’m in a tough spot. For those who offered to help, I’d give a bit more but ultimately set everyone up with rules on how it can be invested and used so they don’t become bankrupt idiots.

I’d like to support my small community, the businesses and the school to make sure everything was set for the future.

A billion is a lot of money. I’d still find a way to work at a local golf course or something part time.


Really Big Truck
Elite Member
Call @God is a Husker or some other highfaluting tax attorney and shield that shit. Set up a charitable foundation - stack the board with friends and family - and proceed to give most of it away.

Not sayin' I'm not going to splurge on a few things - I'm going to - but that's stupid money and I'd be compelled to try and use it to make a difference in the world.

There’s aplenty of useless charities already. 99.9999999% of them are


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
I ain't reading every one's responses, but either, good for you or damn, that's fucked up.

With that said, I ain't telling anyone besides a lawyer and a tax accountant the best money I can buy.


Elite Member
Saw this happen to an acquaintance in 2019. Family company got sold and his stock turned into at least $100m cash. I'd probably do the similar

Immediately: Leave the country for a month with wife and kids. Get a staffed house somewhere peaceful. Hire attorneys & advisors and don't come back until trusts, insurance, investments, and llcs are set up. Sell the house and the cars in the meantime and have everything moved into storage. Rent something dope in a discreet neighborhood.

Once it's settled, come back home and buy a house on 50+ acres. Have it renovated immediately. Move in as soon as it's done. Update the wardrobe, the kids' schools, buy some cars (Lexus GX, AT4, and an LFA for fun). Start building an outbuilding with a gym, sauna, turf area, gun room, golf sim, bar, and bunker. Build a pad for my in-laws on said property. Hire a gardener, chef, trainer, and get some pheasant dogs.

Once life settles down I'd go on the trips we've wanted to do. Friends and I'd go to Europe, Wife and I would climb Kilamanjaro and do a safari, wife's parents, us, and the kids go to Italy. Do an ayahuasca retreat.

For good, get into real estate dev to stay busy. Buy the skers a few players every year. Put a lot of charitable energy behind a trade school for at risk kids in Omaha. Buy a plane and learn to fly it. Travel the world seeking the worlds strongest nicotine delivery system.

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